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Amazing Adventures of Scorpy Bug

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Welcome to the Amazing Adventures of Scorpy Bug!

The Amazing Adventures of Scorpy Bug is a curriculum-based comic series designed to provide a creative learning tool for everyone in our community; from targeted classroom use by teachers and students to casual family reading time at home.  The series addresses the Virginia Standards of Learning (SOL) curriculum on a variety of topics in mathematics, science, history/social science, geography, and health.  The comics were originally published in The News and Advance from 2005–2009, but the cheeky bugs and the topics they explored are a timeless way to engage all learners!


For Parents/Teachers

Have a reluctant reader?  Many children who struggle with reading respond well to comics because they offer short, easy to read text paired with pictures that offer context clues.  Try some of the following ways to help your reader gain confidence with The Amazing Adventures of Scorpy Bug:

  • Have your child predict what might happen to Scorpy and his friends by previewing the pictures before reading.

  • Print out the comics and re-read several times – try hanging them on your fridge for easy access and visibility.

  • Help your child draw their own Scorpy adventure!  Continue from one of the comic themes or have them come up with a whole new idea.