General FAQs

+ What are Amazement Square’s hours of admission?

Wednesday - Saturday
10 AM - 5 PM
1 PM - 5 PM

+ When is the best time to visit to avoid large crowds?

During the school year, weekday afternoons are typically less crowded than the mornings because the museum often hosts school groups in the morning hours. As you start planning your visit, you can call the museum to find out the best days and times for your visit or check our Field Trip Forecast.

+ What are the Museum Manners?

Be Kind! Share with other visitors, take turns and be gentle to the exhibits.
Be Safe! Walk, not run, in the museum, use “inside” voices, stay with your group, and always find a staff member if you need help.
Be Thinking! Explore, ask questions and look for answers!

All guests must wear shoes at all times, unless they are in an area designated as a “shoe free zone”. Shoes must be worn throughout the Amazement Square tower. No food or drink is permitted in the museum outside of Cafe Amaze.

+ What should we wear?

We recommend that you wear sneakers, or at least closed back shoes so that you can easily climb throughout our Tower structure.

+ How long does it take to go through the museum?

Generally it takes about two hours.

+ May I bring a stroller?

For safety, strollers are not permitted to go through the museum, but we do have a stroller parking area to leave your stroller while you play.

+ If we leave can we re-enter?

Yes, you are able to leave the museum and re-enter at a later time throughout the time we are open. Be sure to stop by the front desk to get a stamp before leaving.

+ Is there a place to eat in the museum?

Cafe Amaze offers a wide variety of drinks and snacks for guests to enjoy. Snacks may be consumed in our lobby area or at the tables inside the shop. In the warmer months we also have a picnic area located just beside our building.

+ Are there lockers available to put belongings?

We have lockers that are free of charge in exchange for a set of keys or a license while you are playing. We also have a coat rack and cubby holes available.

+ Where is a good place we can get lunch around the museum?

There are a number of different restaurants located within walking distance of the museum. From sandwiches to brick oven pizza there is sure to be a place for your family to grab a bite to eat.

+ Do you have wi-fi available?

We do not have wi-fi available in the museum.

+ Where should I park?

Guests can park around the back of the museum as spaces allow as well as across the train tracks.

+ What happens if a child and their caretakers get separated?

If you and your child get separated, any staff member will be glad to help you find them. All staff members have radios so that they can communicate with other staff on all floors quickly and easily. The museum also has an intercom system that will allow the Front Desk to page people to come to the lobby to meet their families.

+ Why don’t you offer a military discount?

Amazement Square’s general admission prices are already subsidized for all visitors through the generous support of donors. In fact, only about 30% of the museum’s revenue is earned through income sources such as ticket sales. The remainder is received through foundations, grants, corporate and individual donations. As a non-profit institution which receives many more requests for assistance than we are able to meet, the museum has to make difficult decisions on how to make the most impact with limited resources. We find that we can best meet the needs of the community around us through our established general support programs, such as the Sponsored Admission Program and ongoing Outreach Programs, rather than through specific discounts.


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