Teacher Workshops & Professional Development
The next Special Educator Night at the Museum will be held on February 26th from 6:00-8:00pm! Registration is fee for teachers.
Sponsored Admission Program
Sponsored Admission scholarship funds are available for schools with 50% or more of students on free and/or reduced lunch. Scholarship funds for reduced admission are limited and distributed on a first-come, first-served basis. For questions about sponsored admission for schools and to find out if your classroom qualifies, please contact education@amazementsquare.org.
The Sponsored Admission Program was established to help the museum fulfill its mission to be accessible to ALL community members. Learn more about Amazement Square’s other Sponsored Admission Programs.
The Sponsored Admission Program is made possible by an endowment established by Ms. Mary Lenker, Yuille Holt, Jr. Family, and Lea and Andy Larsen.
Field Trip Grants
Please note that these grants are not being administered by Amazement Square so inquiries and submissions need to go directly to each grant administrator.
Target Field Trip Grants (Applications accepted: Aug. 1 – Oct. 1)
The Amazing Adventures of Scorpy Bug is a curriculum-based comic series designed to provide a creative learning tool for everyone in our community; from targeted classroom use by teachers and students to casual family reading time at home. The series addresses the Virginia Standards of Learning (SOL) curriculum on a variety of topics in mathematics, science, history/social science, geography, and health. The comics were originally published in The News and Advance from 2005–2009, but the cheeky bugs and the topics they explored are a timeless way to engage all learners!
Questions about School Programs? Visit our School Programs Frequently Asked Questions page for answers!